{Meet Chamel}

I'm Chamel owner and designer of Chamel's Creations. I am a wife to an awesome guy who is my best friend and mother of two
handsome sons Braylon and Kaleb. I am a DIY/Craft lover and most importantly a God fearing
woman who knows that all my blessings come from Him.
I enjoy spending my free time with family and my craft work. I have always thought of myself as a creative person and through the years have created many things for myself, family, and friends. This ranges from cake decorating, scrapbooking,interior decorating, beadery, and more. So I decided to share my work with others and started Chamel's Creations. Initially, Chamel's Creations was started as part-time hobby/business while I worked as a Computer Scientist full-time in which many of my creations were showcased at local fairs and by word of mouth. However, it has been a long time heart desire and dream to run my business full-time so that I could spend more time with my family, raise my children, and successfully run my own business that would help my family financially.
It's amazing and a blessing how God can turn things around in a split of a second and change your circumstances in order for you to seek and trust Him. During 2011, my husband and I were in prayer about our careers/heart desires and moving closer to home from Fairfax, VA to Mississippi to be closer to family. At the time, we were expecting our second son, Kaleb, who was due December 2011. July 2011, my husband was blessed with a job opportunity in Nashville, TN and our plans for me were to find a job and work up until Kaleb was due. However, our little Kaleb decided to come at 25 weeks weighing only 1 lb. and 9 ozs (look back at our journey here.....) Can we say that OUR PLANS were totally off from GOD'S PLANS! We had only been in Nashville for 1 month, a new job, one income, and a new baby (micro-preemie who spent first 4 months of life in NICU)! Our world was upside down....but through this journey I became stronger in Christ, I was praying more about God's direction and will, and learning to be obedient to His Word. What some may have thought was an impossible or a drastic life challenge, I counted it all as joy which has lead to me being able to be home with my family, care for my son Kaleb's medical/therapy needs, and the opportunity to focus on my business and the push to pursue it full-time...what an amazing blessing!

My style and goals........
My sewing adventures started from the desire to learn how to sew a cute pillow dress using a friend's mom old sewing machine. After many trials, reading, and internet/youtube searches on sewing, I began to become very comfortable with sewing and was inspired to begin my passion for sewing. My heart's desire for Chamel's Creations is to inspire through my crafty,colorful, and creative handmade gifts and to also use my business platform to empower others through the word of God! In doing so, I pray that I can use my creative God given talent to serve Him and others!
Thank you in advance for browsing my site and please feel free to refer family and friends! Contact me with any questions, concerns, prayers, or even a word of encouragement! Would love to hear from you!
Many Blessings, Chamel Evans